Tajmeeli Features Save Me From Age Acceleration in Best Gifts For Her - SAVE ME FROM

Tajmeeli Features Save Me From Age Acceleration in Best Gifts For Her

SAVE ME FROM Age Acceleration was recently featured in an article on Tajmeeli in 10 Best Body Care Products for Every Woman. 

Read the what Tajmeeli writer, Noha Ali, has to say below!

"Age Acceleration Conditioner from Save Me From represents one of the types of hair care products that are widely used and multi-benefit, formulated from a luxurious formula rich in nutrients and natural oils that support hair health, foremost of which is the extracts of “fenugreek, sunflower, meadowsweet, linseed, coconut, tara fruit” In addition to milk protein and the necessary acids, this mixture results in many advantages, the most important of which are:

  1. Hair loss treatment
  2. Strengthen hair follicles
  3. Increase hair thickness and make it thicker
  4. Moisturizing hair and improving its texture
  5. Hair split ends treatment

    Save Me From - Age Acceleration Conditioner also works to treat healthy scalp problems, as well as helping to soften coarse hair and reduce the harmful effect of ultraviolet rays."

    - Noha Ali, Tajmeeli Writer